Steamed Cattle’s Fetus With Galangal Chilli Paste

Aborted cattle's fetus in local market

Aborted cattle’s fetus in local market (picture credited to จาปาตี)

This menu is not advisable for everyone to eat!  Be sure that the meat is well cooked. In Northern Thailand there is one menu that some would say “is to die for”. This is aborted cattle fetus as a main ingredient, this delicious food’s name in Thai is “Jin Kwai/Ngua Noi Nueng” or “จิ้นควาย/งัวน้อยนึ่ง”.

In the past it was very easy to find aborted cow/buffalo fetus because most families had cattle on their farm for agriculture purposes. Nowadays you will find this main ingredient more difficult to find because most of the farmers use machinery instead of cattle, but it is still found in some local markets.


Ingredients to be pound in a morta.

Ingredients to be pound in a morta.

-Aborted buffalo/cow’s fetus (placenta and umbilical cord may included)
-Turmeric, coriander root, coriander seed as needed.
-Lemongrass, garlic, shallots as needed.
-galangal, garlic, grilled dried chili, salt for make chili paste paired with steamed meat.


Cooking Instructions
Put the ingredients in a mortar and pound, but don’t put ingredients in a mortar and pound at the same time. It is better to put salt first followed with turmeric, coriander seed, lemongrass, coriander root, adding the garlic and shallots as the final step.

Put the mixture obtained from the pounding onto the meat, mix ingredients together and then refrigerate for 4-5 hours to allow the meat to absorb the flavors of the spices.



Grilled meat just cooked on the outer surface



Put partially-grilled meat in to a steamer,best with steamer made of bamboo

Take the meat out of the refrigerator. Grill the meat using charcoal or in an oven.Grill the meat until it is just cooked on the outer surface. Next step put all the grilled meat in to a steamer.



While waiting you can prepare a chili paste for pairing with the steamed meat as the  final process.  In your mortar, pound the galangal, garlic, grilled dried chili and salt together until well mixed and then put the chili paste into small cup. Take the meat out of the steamer cut it in to pieces and put on a plate together with the chili paste. This meal is best eaten with sticky rice and some might need Thai Rice Whisky!


Steamed cattle's fetus with galangal chilli paste at the final process, who wanna try first?

Steamed cattle’s fetus with galangal chilli paste at the final process, who wanna try first?

From – Chiangrai Bulletin

By Dr. Manta